Tue, 29 March 2011
Episode 250: Year 6 begins: War of the Green Lanterns kicks off as we discuss Green Lantern 64 and Green Lantern Corps 58. We also have a quick chat about Justice League Generation Lost 22 and Justice League of America 55. From C2E2, we are joined by Mandy Stegall, K.C. Murdock and Merik Tadros (River Jordan). We shout out Jim Califiore’s new web comics, and Ken Branch. Special thanks to Eli for this week’s spoiler warning contest entry! Remember our 5 year anniversary contest! Celebrate with us! Submissions can be sent to ragingbullets@gmail.com Show Notes: 0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com, our ongoing contest (Ragingcontest@gmail.com), senseiofwhatnot@gmail.com, http://www.geturgeekonradio.com, http://www.comiccollectorlive.com , http://www.nycomiccon.com, http://www.c2e2.com, http://www.summitcitycomiccon.com show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more. 4:50 War of the Green Lanterns 57:55 JLA 55 and Justice League Generation Lost 22 1:15:30 Mandy Stegall DC Panels from C2E2 1:40:45 River Jordan Interview 2:00:00 K.C. Murdock 2:03:30 Jim Califiore’s Apex, Crooks and Nannies and 35 Years: Will You Survive by Ken Branch 2:13:30 Show Closing (Special permission from K.C. Murdock to play his song “Villain or Hero”) We’ll be back next week with our next episode. Check Ragingbullets.com and the forum for regular updates. Jim Calafiore’s Awesome Web Comics http://www.jimcalafiore.com/crooks-nannies.asp http://www.jimcalafiore.com/apex.asp River Jordan and Merik Tadros http://www.facebook.com/RiverJordan1 http://twitter.com/#!/MerikTadros http://www.greghoustonillustration.com K.C. Murdock http://downtheroadshow.podbean.com/ Vote for Villain or Hero by signing the Facebook Petition! https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_188064251217026 Ken Branch (35 Years: Will You Survive)
Direct download: Raging_Bullets_Episode_250_A_DC_Comics_Fan_Podcast.mp3
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