Sat, 11 August 2012
Episode 317: Before Watchmen Part 1: Jim and Sean begin a series of shows that will look at the Before Watchmen Event. This show focuses on Minutemen 1 and 2 and Silk Spectre 1 and 2. We talk baout our thoughts leading up to the event and have some fun sharing what the Minutemen would look like if we were running the team. Listener Voicemails from friends of the show Matt, Unknown Jim Fan, Mark, and Noel. Check out the About Us section of the web site for contact info, Google + and Facebook links that are updated regularly. Our Web Site: Twitter: @RagingBullets Show Notes: Sponsors:,, 0:00 Show opening,, our ongoing contest (,, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more. 2:35 Minutemen 1:55:55 Shout out to Leaving Megalopolis' Kickstarter Campaign by Gail Simone and Jim Calafiore and show voicemails 2:34:45 Silk Spectre 3:20:15 Show Closing : Hawkman by Wednesday Heroes We’ll be back next week with our next episode. Check and the Facebook Group for regular updates. Leaving Megalopolis
Direct download: Raging_Bullets_Episode_317_A_DC_Comics_Fan_Podcast.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:27am EST |