Tue, 1 January 2019
Episode 532: Happy New Year: The show returns for 2019: Sean and Jim discuss the Batman Animated Series Deluxe Blu Ray Set, Batman Black and White Statues, Doomsday Clock 8, current issues of Hawkman, Heroes in Crisis 3, casual chat about Red Hood and other DC news in a speeding bullets segment. We also discuss Aquaman’s movie, the Elseworlds TV crossover, and a quick chat around Titans season 1 finale. We also talk briefly about the Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse animated movie. Sean and Jim begin a new release schedule of the 1st and the 15th of each month with special releases in between. Note: Batman White Night and casual comic chat will be our next discussion. Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/401332833597062/ Listener voicemails return next episode. Show Notes: 0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com, http://www.comicspodcasts.com/, http://comicbooknoise.com/league/, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, email: ragingbullets@gmail.com and more. 3:33 Speeding Bullets 1:17:34 TV and Film Chat 3:12:30 Closing We’ll be back next week with our next episode. Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.
Direct download: Raging_Bullets_Episode_532_A_DC_Comics_Fan_Podcast.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:28pm EST |