Fri, 30 May 2008
Episode 117 Part B: Bonus Episode: Sean and Jim are joined by friend of the show Kendra Behn Smith as she discusses the Emerald City Comiccon and it’s first DC Nation Panel. We also look at the future of comics and all ages books. Plus the last of our listener content from the NYCC.
0:00 Show opening
2:46 Kendra Behn Smith joins us for Emerald City Comiccon chat. (Note: We did this over Skype. Slight difference in usual sound quality)
1:39:38 Show closing
1:44:59 BONUS: Listener and friends of the show from the NYCC show floor. We want to thank everyone who stopped by and encourage you to support all of our friends.
We’ll be back no later than Sunday night with Episode 118. Check and the forum for regular updates.
Don’t forget to submit your own content for the web site and the show. We love your participation.
Direct download: Raging_Bullets_Episode_117_Part_B__A_DC_Comics_Fan_Podcast.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:58am EST |